The performance monitoring center

Ensure compliance

The objective of the Performance Monitoring Centre is to monitor the quality of its services in a more precise way. Reporting directly to the Store Manager, the team will support the group in the distribution and logistics segments, as well as the retail area.

The Performance Monitoring Centre has been set up to meet SERIS’ own service quality requirements and for the satisfaction of its clients. The Centre ensures regulatory compliance and compliance with contractual requirements through a system of control and regular monitoring. The team has also developed audit tools adapted to client specifications.

To ensure a qualitative and personalised monitoring

The Centre provides an automated and industrialised reporting system. These performance indicators are made to measure and are based on indicators established and validated jointly. Syntheses are consolidated from data from both internal and external sources such as logbooks/registers.

Our ambition: To offer you a personalised monitoring that responds to all your concerns.

Our reporting concept offers you a complete summary of our performance:

Thanks to a centralised feedback, you have complete transparency of monitoring results and a detailed traceability of the actions undertaken. In a continuous improvement process, this data enables you, and the field teams, to identify risks, to implement new actions and to develop new tools as required.


Management of client computer tools

The centre is the national referent on client computer tools such as electronic registers and has regular contact with users, publishers and customers. The team has developed significant expertise in this area and we consider them to be veritable business and service management tools. The operation of facilities, client accompaniment and support and monitoring of use are its primary concern. Thanks to these results, the centre will support you and can recommend how to maximise use of the tools.


To be a real support to the Business Divisions of the Group

Thanks not only to a close collaboration between the centre and the operator but also to complementary professional training, our objective is to offer you even more appropriate services within the required regulations for the distribution sector and your safety needs. This is reflected in particular by the development and provision of tools for monitoring and analysis, risk mapping, action plans, or business documentation.